MSI Evaluation Tool results are intended to show the extent that an MSI incorporates the design features necessary, but not sufficient, to protect and promote human rights.  To communicate the comparative level of essential elements incorporated by evaluated MSIs, ultimately an overall score or grading system may be helpful.  However, as the Advisory Group highlighted in their report following the Global Consultation, devising an appropriate scoring or grading system will require extensive research.  As a result, MSI Integrity will not express an overall score in the pilot and initial rounds of assessment using the MSI Evaluation Tool.  Following initial rounds of MSI evaluations, as well as further research and open consultation with the public, experts and practitioners, MSI Integrity will develop a methodology to appropriately weight and aggregate the MSI Evaluation Tool results.


In the interim, the simple number of essential elements met in each category will be published:

  • Scope and Mandate for Human Rights,
  • Standards,
  • Internal Governance,
  • Implementation,
  • Development of the MSI,
  • Affected Community Involvement,
  • Transparency.


As the Implementation and Internal Governance categories are made up of a large number of indicators, the essential elements met in their significant subcategories will be highlighted to provide additional insight (e.g., Grievances, or Monitoring: Reporting). However, no overall score for the evaluation will be calculated or expressed.  Instead, results will be communicated as a simple fraction showing the number of essential elements the MSI meets, as a proportion of the total number of essential elements in that category or subcategory.


For example, the category “Standards” includes three (3) essential elements; therefore, an MSI Evaluation Report will identify the number of essential elements out of three that an MSI incorporates in the form of an “x/3” fraction. There will be no weighting assigned to the Standards essential elements as compared to the other categories. A similar approach will be follow for each of the categories listed above.