MSI Integrity is pleased to announce that the Advisory Group officially presented the Board with its final report on October 16, 2013. The report contains considerations and recommendations for the Board, based on an extensive review of the feedback and comments received during the 2013 Global Consultation and Review Process. The report can be reviewed on our website.
Over 100 people participated in the worldwide consultation meetings or submitted individual comments.These participants represented views from: corporate social responsibility consultants, business, trade and labor unions, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, governments, national human rights institutions, international human rights organizations, MSIs, and academic researchers in fields such as law, business, and human rights.
Special thanks are owed to the host institutions for coordinating regional consultation meetings around the globe. MSI Integrity would like to thank: the Netherlands Embassy (Washington, DC), the Center for Business and Human Rights at NYU Stern Business School (New York, NY), the World Bank (Washington, DC), the Center for Applied Legal Studies at Witwatersrand University (Johannesburg, South Africa), La Trobe University School of Business (Melbourne, Australia), the Law, Governance and Development Initiative at the Australian National University College of Law (Canberra, Australia), the Australian Human Rights Centre at the University of New South Wales Law School (Sydney, Australia), Jindal Global Law School (Sonipat, India), Jorge Tadeo University (Bogotá, Colombia), and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Den Haag, Netherlands).
The Board of MSI Integrity is carefully considering the Advisory Group report this month, and will publish an extensive response in the coming weeks.