Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

Download the EITI Working Evaluation Report (2013) here.

This report is based on the assessment of the EITI in 2012-2013 using the MSI Evaluation Tool, as part of a series of pilot MSI evaluations that were conducted in conjunction with Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic.

Download Protecting the Cornerstone: Assessing the Governance of EITI Multi-Stakeholder Groups (2015) here.

This landmark report is a comprehensive assessment of national multi-stakeholder group (MSG) governance in EITI. It includes analysis of research findings related to MSG internal governance, national secretariat independence and structure, the participation and involvement of relevant actors from civil society, and EITI global oversight. It provides recommendations for the international EITI Association, national MSGs and stakeholders in implementing countries, as well as international funders and supporters of EITI. The report also includes a protocol for developing strong multi-stakeholder governance processes, and a guidance note with good practices for civil society participation in EITI.


Targeted Industry: Mining and Energy
Stated Aim: To become “the internationally accepted standard for transparency in the oil, gas and mining sectors, recognizing that strengthened transparency of natural resource revenues can reduce corruption, and the revenue from extractive industries can transform economies, reduce poverty, and raise the living standards of entire populations in resource-rich countries.” (EITI Articles of Association, Article 2.2)
Historical Context: During the early 2000s, civil society raised awareness about the connection between extractive industries revenue and human rights abuses, corruption and a lack of development.
Year Launched: 2002
Method of Operation: EITI requires governments to issue public reports disclosing the revenue and payments they receive from the extractive industry.
Monitored Entities: Governments
Examples of Relevant Rights-holders: Communities near mines, processing facilities, and transportation routes; citizens of nations whose governments receive money from extraction contracts.
Membership (as of December 31, 2016): Governments (50 implementing EITI standards, 16 supporting EITI), Companies (more than 80), Civil Society Organizations (9 international CSOs, representing more than 650 individual organizations), Institutional Investors (more than 90), Partner Institutions (21, including: industry associations, development banks, and international organizations).

Read our latest report, Not Fit-For-Purpose, here.

For more on our new organizational focus, see Beyond Corporations.