From February to September 2014, MSI Integrity researched and assessed the governance processes and practices of 41 national EITI multi-stakeholder groups. Individual country assessment reports, and data sets from each type of assessment can be downloaded below. Two types of assessment were conducted:

  1. A review of MSG governance documentation of all 41 countries implementing EITI as of March 1, 2014. This was a desk-based review all available governance documentation to assess compliance with the EITI Standard and other relevant guidance materials for multi-stakeholder governance as criteria. Twelve countries could not be assessed as their governance documentation was not shared with MSI Integrity and was not publicly available. Individual country assessments and the template of the assessment questionnaire are available for download below.
  1. An assessment of MSG governance practices of 15 diverse countries, including: Albania, Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Nigeria, Norway, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Tanzania, the United States of America, and Yemen. This assessment went beyond the governance documentation to determine how the MSGs operated in practice through a combination of interviews and in-country visits.

The full methodology is outlined in the report.

Individual Country Assessments of Governance Documents

MSI Integrity assessed the governance documents that were publicly available, either published online or shared with MSI Integrity upon request, for each of the 41 EITI implementing countries as of March 1, 2014. It should be emphasized that obtaining this governance documentation was often difficult. Every country was offered the opportunity to review the results and provide corrections.

The following countries were not assessed because the MSG terms of reference or other governance material was not available online (including the EITI International website and the national EITI website) as of March 1, 2014. MSI Integrity contacted the national co-ordinator each country to request a copy of their governance documents, but unfortunately it was never provided. We encourage these MSG to make their terms of reference and other governance material more accessible by publishing them online or requesting the EITI International secretariat to host it on the EITI International website.

Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Republic of the Congo
São Tomé and Principe
Sierra Leone

Twenty-nine countries’ governance documentation was either published online or shared with MSI Integrity upon request. Each country’s assessment can be downloaded by clicking on the country name below. These assessments are confined to the documented governance processes of each MSG available in early 2014. MSI Integrity acknowledges that governance documentation may not reflect practice: some MSGs may go beyond what is documented, others may not follow their documented processes. In 15 countries, MSI Integrity did go beyond documentation to assess the multi-stakeholder governance practices, this data is available in the next section below.

  • Senegal (v 1.1) *Update May 2015: In April 2015 the Senegal CN-ITIE supplied a copy of the Internal Rules to MSI Integrity. These were in effect at the date of the initial assessment (March 2014) but not available to MSI Integrity during the assessment. To allow a more accurate and robust discussion to take place in Senegal about the internal governance of EITI, and because the rules did exist at the time of the initial assessment, MSI Integrity agreed to update the assessment. Version 1.0 and 1.1 of this assessment are both available in this spreadsheet.

The desk-based assessment focused on the core governance documentation of MSGs, such as terms of reference. Governance documentation was assessed compared to the criteria required for MSG terms of reference under Requirement 1.3 of the EITI Standard, as well as good practices for MSG governance based on the EITI Protocol: Participation of Civil Society, EITI Guidance Note 14, and relevant essential elements from the MSI Evaluation ToolThe governance document assessment questionnaire and criteria can be downloaded here.

Aggregated findings from the assessments of governance documents can be downloaded here.

Aggregated Data from Assessment of Governance Practices in 15 Countries

MSI Integrity assessed the multi-stakeholder governance practices of 15 diverse countries. This assessment went beyond governance documentation to determine how the MSGs operated in practice. Interviewers made efforts to understand the perspective of MSG members from all stakeholder groups, including civil society, government, industry, and the in-country secretariat or coordinating body. For a detailed explanation of the factors used to select the 15 countries, which represent a variety of different countries in EITI, as well as the methodology for conducting these assessments, see Part 1 of Protecting the Cornerstone.

MSI Integrity assessed five of the MSGs during in-country visits in 2014. The visits included observations of MSG and civil society meetings, as well as extensive in-person interviews. These MSGs were in: Azerbaijan, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Philippines, and Tanzania.

The ten other MSGs were assessed remotely, through telephone and Skype interviews. These MSGs were in: Albania, Colombia, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, Nigeria, Norway, Senegal, Solomon Islands, the United States, and Yemen.

Due to participants’ wishes for confidentiality, MSI Integrity has elected not to identify participants by name and to aggregate data from interviews and country visits.