MSI Integrity conducts a limited number of evaluations of selected MSIs each year, and produces evaluation reports that include contextual and substantive analysis of MSI Evaluation Tool findings and recommendations for the evaluated MSIs. We conduct these evaluations in an effort to: (i) continually improve the quality, rigor, and practical value of the criteria and methodology; (ii) consistently demonstrate the usefulness of comprehensive assessment for understanding MSIs from a human rights perspective; and (iii) regularly publish information regarding the substantive findings and analysis of evaluated MSIs representing diverse contexts.
MSI Integrity evaluations produce MSI Evaluation Reports. These reports present the MSI Evaluation Tool findings, provide contextual details and analysis regarding the findings of the Evaluation Tool assessment, and offer recommendations to improve the capacity of the evaluated MSI to protect and promote human rights. Reports will involve three parts:
- An overview report that summarizes and analyzes the substantive findings based on all of the individual MSI evaluations conducted during the period on which the report is based. This report will serve as an executive summary to the publication of the individual MSI Evaluation Reports, and will present general findings and analyze trends observed across the evaluated MSIs.
- A comprehensive format for each individual MSI evaluated—exemplified by the working draft reports from the pilot MSI evaluations—that presents the substantive findings from the MSI Evaluation Tool assessment, and provides contextual and normative analysis, as well as recommendations for the MSI to improve capacity to protect and promote human rights. These reports are organized following the section categories of the MSI Evaluation Tool.
- A summary format for each individual MSI evaluated that highlights the results in each section of the Evaluation Tool, and identifies significant issues, good or innovative practices discovered in the assessment, as well as key recommendations for the MSI.
MSI Integrity is currently working on the overview report related to the pilot MSI evaluations conducted in 2012-13, and has requested permission from the governing bodies of the evaluated MSIs to release updated versions of the working draft reports produced in the process of those evaluations as pilot individual MSI reports.
Suggest MSIs for Evaluations
We welcome suggestions for MSIs to consider including for future evaluations. To suggest an MSI for future rounds of evaluations, please fill out the form located here.
Last updated: March 17, 2014