MSI Integrity conducted a set of pilot MSI evaluations during the development of the MSI Evaluation Tool and assessment methodology, in conjunction with Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic. The purpose of the pilot evaluations was to conduct a practical assessment of MSIs across a range of industries, geographic locales, stages of MSI development, and human rights concerns, in order to apply the MSI Evaluation Tool and ensure it is sufficiently rigorous and practical to assess MSIs from a human rights perspective.
There were five MSIs evaluated during the pilot evaluation round. MSI Integrity has prepared working draft evaluation reports assessing each of the five MSIs, based on the criteria and methodology that has been revised following the 2013 Global Consultation. An overall summary report will also be released that analyzes and compares the results of the pilot evaluations and identifies major trends, challenges, and innovations observed in the five pilot evaluations.
To suggest an MSI for future rounds of evaluations, please fill out the form located here.