Tune in on Tuesday, January 26 from 10AM–11:30AM EST for a webinar co-organized by MSI Integrity, “The Great Take Over: How we fight the Davos capture of global governance.” From the event’s description:
The post COVID-19 world presents a new opportunity to deepen the corporate plans of capturing global governance and ensuring it serves the interests of corporate business and profits instead of putting in place policies for the wellbeing of humanity. It is urgent to unmask this global and systemic trend by showing how it operates in key sensitive sectors as well as taking the challenge to generate peoples power towards building a strong public and participatory governance for a world beyond the health, climate, inequality and democracy crises. Is there a future for another multilateralism?
Framed by the ongoing take over of corporate capture and privatization of global governance, the webinar will take a dynamic and participatory format, inviting a multi-sectoral perspective from key movements and sectors who will share their struggles, strategies, and common challenges. Questions and comments will be fielded by an open forum, and the webinar will invite attendees to join the fight against “The Great Take Over.”
The webinar is co-organized by Corporate Accountability, FIAN, Focus on the Global South, FOEI, G2H2, IT for Change, Peoples Health Movement, Public Services International, Transnational Institute, and MSI Integrity.
Register for the Zoom webinar here and share the event on Facebook.