As 2022 enters its latter half, MSI Integrity staff have been hard at work advancing the Shifting Power project, which was announced in late 2021 as the next iteration of our organization’s evolution towards understanding some of the root causes and structural features of corporate power in the United States. Towards that end, we’re thrilled to announce our collaboration with both our Summer Legal Fellow — Amelia Tam — and the Forum for Global Human Rights (FGHR).

FGHR is a new, student-led and run organization that aims to provide opportunities for young people interested in human rights research and advocacy through practical experience and partnerships with organizations from around the world. FGHR students and recent graduates will be assisting MSI Integrity on research and outreach activities related to the Shifting Power project until October 2022.
We will soon enter a period of review and community collaboration on Shifting Power. We are preparing a draft interactive website that gives an overview of existing alternative corporate models that hold the promise of greater worker economic benefits and decision-making, as well as a new framework for workplace rights — the right for workers to have input and influence over their working conditions, and to share in the profits/economic benefits they generate (i.e. to share in ownership) — against which we have assessed whether and how each of these alternative models show promise. Interested organizations and individuals are welcome to participate in our upcoming review, and should contact us to learn more about how they can be part of the review process or related outreach events and activities.